The missing link in our lives today….
What I’m about to share with you right now through this article is something extremely exciting, super important and needs to be talked about a lot more than it’s being talked about today. Something that’s missing grossly, at scale.
It’s Happiness.
This is a warfare of happiness versus perceived happiness. This is the greatest generation of “perceived happy”.
Wouldn’t you agree with that?
If we dig deep into our ourselves, I’m pretty sure we are most likely to discover that the following are some of the elements that’s sourcing the unhappiness and unfulfilled feeling in our lives…
1. Dwelling and Complaining All The Time.
Complaining about something that’s under our control is super silly to me. Why complain about something when you can fix it? Isn’t that ludicrous? Yet people spend a major chunk of their time dwelling & complaining about dumb shit when they’ve got ambition to do so much more.
You can keep dwelling and complaining your whole life, I promise you none of that is going to solve even an ounce of your problem. Instead that’s going to make you deeply miserable and unhappy every single day. It’s the easiest way to lose your mental peace.
It’s a much better option if we start the process of stop dwelling and complaining over past issues and take 100% accountability for everything that happens in our life and start looking for solutions actively. The faster, the better.
2. Not executing things and lack of patience.
Most people have a big mouth when it comes to ambition and dreams. That’s not the problem at all. That’s amazing in fact. The problem is their actions don’t match the ambition and fire coming out of their mouth. People talk a big game but are not willing to put in the work that it takes to get there.
We want everything too fast. We want things yesterday. Most people complain when things get hard. They don’t realize that achieving big dreams and goals should be hard. That’s the best part. Otherwise everyone would have done it.
Patience is the golden goose, yet that’s the least attractive thing to most people. Building anything significant takes an ungodly amount of work and patience. Nothing valuable and significant happens overnight. There is no overnight success, it doesn’t exist. Period.
What all of that boils down to is the following…
Most people play life in their head instead of playing life in life which is what makes them deeply unhappy and unfulfilled.
3. Overvalue other peoples opinion way too much.
Most people overvalue other peoples compliments which is what leads to overvaluing their booing as well. People have lost perspective. Most of us, today, are controlled by the number of number of likes and comments on our social media posts. People usually put out what they know would get the maximum likes and comments instead of speaking their truth. We've forgotten that what other other people say about us has got nothing to do with us, it has got everything to do with their perspective and how they look at the world.
People chase shit to spend money to buy dumb shit to impress people they don’t even like!
4. Fear of being judged.
We’re so worried about being judged that we forget to live the life based on our choice and opinion. We get crippled by other peoples opinion of us so much that we forget to speak our truth and do what we actually want to be doing. All of these along with a million other ways of the fear of getting judged gets compounded daily which then leads to deep unhappiness.
Once you stop hearing judgment and you’re actually not worried about what people have to say, you can just go fast. Judgment is the only thing, I promise you, that you will have for the rest of your life!
5. Letting people on social media dictate our life.
People want to blame all the bad things happening around us, gun violence, murders, etc on social media. The reality, however is, there’s no social media. Social media is empty. We fill it.
Social media isn’t controlling or dictating our life, it’s the people in it that are doing so because we’re letting them do that. We value their opinion so freaking much that they get the luxury of dictating our life and tricking us easily.
Every young dude on social media is a rock star, entrepreneur, millionaire at the age of 24 or the next big thing!!! It has become easier, more than ever, to fake it and trick people. People,today, want to make it look like they’re successful on social media instead of putting in the work to actually become successful.
Enough of young dudes buying fake watches and wearing suits trying to trick people and suck every dollar out of their pocket!
We get so confused and insecure that we start comparing our life with them which then leads to the feeling of “I’m not good enough”, low self esteem and deep unhappiness.
People are so worried about how they’re going to get to an expensive watch, private plane or a fancy vacation that they’re confused about how you actually get there.
Perspective is the need of the hour.
6. Too much negativity around.
Misery loves company. Right?
Well, you know I’m right, I know I’m right, we all know it’s right. But my question to you is, what are you going to do about it?
Limit the number of pessimists in your life and add new optimists and see the difference yourself!
Also, if we just stop consuming what fixates our thoughts and emotion on the downside of everything, we’d be much happier as a person. It could be anything, movies, songs or other peoples advise.
Cut people that are too comfortable with remaining unhappy out of your life because happiness requires courage.
7. Lack of deep meaningful relationships.
One of the most serious issues faced in today’s digital world is our inability to form deep meaningful relationships with people. We have become so busy increasing our followers on Instagram that we’ve completely forgotten that 1M followers on Instagram aren’t actually going to be there for us during our most difficult times. It’s the 10 to 20 people with whom we’ve built deep meaningful relationship with are the ones that are actually going to be there for us!
8. MOBILE DEVICES sometimes hamper our soft skills that in turn become the cause of unhappiness. There is a subconscious reaction to mobile devices when we use them. When we use our mobile phone while talking to someone face to face, it indicates that the phone is more important than the person at that moment.
9. Toxic nature of most people is the direct outcome of prolonged deep unhappiness.
10. Unhappiness causes stress and vice versa. Suicide is a direct result of it. I can’t even imagine what the suicide, homicide and just the rates of depression, you know, accidental deaths due to overdose are going to look like in the future. It’s going to reach epidemic proportions. The statistics are already alarming, and yet nobody sounded any alarm bells.
What can we do start getting happier?
Here are some simple tips and tricks that you could start implementing today onward to initiate the process of removing unhappiness from your life and start feeling much better and happier -
1. Stop dwelling and complaining. Complaining about something that’s under our control is super silly. Do something about your problems apart from just complaining. Take action.
2. Limit the number of hours spent on social media and mobile device.
3. Start spending time with yourself.
4. Long term thinking over instant gratification.
5. The Early Bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. Life’s long. It’s a marathon, not a 100 metres sprint. Treat it that way.
6. Deploy patience and remember building anything meaningful takes a lot of time and effort. Don’t rush the process.
If you’re unhappy with your life, it means you’ve got poison inside that you need to get rid of and people do it in different ways. You know yourself the best. But I believe until you say it, you’ve got to say it out loud , until the poison comes out of your mouth, it’s inside of you. All you need to do is just get it out of your mouth.
It’s not the outside that fixes our unhappiness, it’s the inside.
I truly believe we need to start making happiness the foremost ROI of everything we do.
We need to start making Happiness the North Star that we strive towards and not the latest luxury car or iPhone!
[PS: I highly recommend you to follow Inspiration Hub 365 and consume the contents that are being put out there. I’m 100% convinced that it’s going to have a massive positive impact on your life and make you much happier as a person. Click here to follow us today. ]